Core Values
CHRIST CENTERED We affirm the ancient proclamation, “Christ is Lord.” We seek to honor Him in everything we do.
BIBLICAL BASE We are dedicated to a biblically-based education that enables students to integrate faith and practice. We treasure the Bible as the infallible written Word of God and are devoted to correctly handling the word of truth.
KINGDOM LIFE GLOBAL STRATEGY We covenant to train spiritual leaders who will share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all the world. Evangelism and missions are the heartbeat of our Seminary. Our strategy includes the training of persons from every national, ethnic, and cultural background for a variety of ministries.
KINGDOM LIFE GLOBAL STRATEGY We covenant to train spiritual leaders who will share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all the world. Evangelism and missions are the heartbeat of our Seminary. Our strategy includes the training of persons from every national, ethnic, and cultural background for a variety of ministries.
CHURCH SUPPORTIVE We value the church as God’s primary strategy for reaching the world. Our goal is to help churches become all that God intends them to be. We expect students, faculty, and staff to be active participants in the life of the local church.
GODLY CHARACTER We believe the basis of true leadership is character. We are consecrated to a life of spiritual growth and moral integrity. Kingdom Life Global Seminary goal is to always provoke and encourage its students to be an instrumental vessel of witness in the kingdom to help other men and women’s lives to shift. We believe Christian values such as obedience, faithfulness, perseverance, service, and humility are shared and modeled by faculty, staff, and students.
PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE We believe that God’s call to ministry is worthy of our best. Therefore, we are committed to operating in the Spirit of Excellence; we are dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and writing. We strive to provide the environment as well as the encouragement to enable students to discover and utilize their spiritual gifts. It is our prayer and hope that each student will divest themselves wholeheartedly and let nothing deter them from pursuing the better of themselves. We will always expect and provoke students to perform with excellence in their studies and fields of ministry. The Word of God commands us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashame, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15); Therefore, we believe as our students continue to sharpen their tools, they will be effective in impacting the kingdom through innovation in ministering to a changing world for the glory of God.
LIFELONG LEARNING We believe ministerial training is a lifelong process. Kingdom Life Global Theological Seminary is committed to provide learning experiences for those that are ministers to update their skills.
FAMILY FOCUSED We affirm that the family, as the first divinely ordained institution in society, is both honored and sacred. The family is the primary arena for spiritual growth: It is within the family that we learn of morality and values such as truth, gratitude, courage, forgiveness and sacrifice. And it is in the family that we first learn the appropriate way of relating to God and to humans, who are created in His image.